Sunday, June 21, 2009


I've worked in the job placement field for nearly 10 years and I want to use my skillset and knowledge of the industry to help people move forward in their careers.

There are so many things that we're never taught when it comes to getting a job or moving ahead with a company. How do I put my resume together? What are good interviewing techniques? How do I put together a portfolio? Do I need a portfolio? What are recruiters and hiring managers looking for when they see my resume, cover letter or work? What motivates someone to call ME in for a job? How can I be competitive?

Did you know that a recruiter decides within 30 seconds of meeting you whether or not they can place you in a job? Do you know the key words hiring managers want to see on your resume? Are you confident with your presentation skills? Do you use the right language when asking for a raise or a promotion? Do you feel like you're using all the right tools and available resources to get a job or move ahead?

What is your Job Search Action Plan? What are you doing day to day to find the work you REALLY want? I help candidates evaluate the specificity in their job search while evaluating their networking techniques, interviewing skills and resume writing strengths and weaknesses. I work with junior and mid-level candidates to fine-tune their presentation skills and help them to market and sell themselves in effective ways to potential employers.   I help candidates to develop pro-active plans and build confidence in their job search.

I lead a series of workshops and work with people one on one. Information will be updated and provided on this site going forward. Please 'follow me' :)

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